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How to borrow books?

To avail of library privileges, a LIBRAY CARD shall be issued upon presentation of the following requirements:

New Students, Transferees, and Old Students without library cards: 

* 1 pc. 1x1 picture

* Fill out the Library Card (available on the Circulation Desk)

Discipline And Conduct In The Library And Its Premises

The Library is committed to helping faculty, staff, and students make full and self-sufficient use of information resources. Librarians' office hours are offered during the semester to allow for more in-depth assistance. Subject-specific instruction is offered through various sections at the library.

     The Library adopts the controlled/Modified "open shelf" system meaning, a reader may go to the stacks area and select which books to use, provided these are properly and officially charged/loaned out at the charging counter.


Book/s that are damaged (beyond repair, or cannot be use anymore) and/or lost may be:

a. Replaced by the same book (same author, same title, latest edition covering the five years recency requirement).

b. Replaced by the same book on the same subject but at least latest edition covering the five years recency.

c. Replaced by another book, another subject that can be used by other courses/offering in the schools, but at least latest edition covering the five years recency requirements.

d. If no replacement for the lost book/s, student will pay the price of the book plus 10% processing fee.


Faculty and Non-Teaching Personnel may be allowed to borrow/charged out a maximum of five (5) books at one time, for fifteen (15) days. If they already have five (5) books and wish to borrow another book, they should return first a book/s on how many they will borrow again.


* Book/s borrowed may be renewed for another fifteen (15) days if and when it they is/are bit reserved by another user.

* If books are unreturned after the due date, LIBRARY NOTICES will be sent to faculty member/Non-Teaching Personnel through their Deans/Heads.

* If books are unreturned one (1) week after the receipt of the notice, library privileges will be suspended.

* Furthermore, the list of Faculty and Non-Teaching Personnel with overdue books will be sent to Finance Office for further action, like deducting from salaries or other arrangement made with the Finance Office.


Students and faculty members who need to consult other information centers may request the librarian for the issuance of referral letter/s to the institution/s of their choice.


* Students currently enrolled in the semester/year

* Faculty members with teaching load for the semester/year

* Non-teaching personnel

* Member of the Administration

* The following under certain conditions:

a. Alumni

b. Students from other schools

c. Other researchers



* Book/s borrowed may be renewed for another hour/days when it is not reserved by another user

* If book/s are unreturned on due date, LIBRARY NOTICE will be sent to the students with overdue books through their Teacher/Deans.

* If the book/s still unreturned after the receipt of notice received, borrowing privileges will be suspended.

* If the accountability is not been settled, the list of students with accountabilities in the library will be forwarded to the Finance Office for further action.

* In the meantime, clearances will not be signed for those who have accountabilities in the library.


* The School ID/Library Card should be presented when borrowing or returning books and materials.

* The school ID/Library Card is non-transferable. Only the owner will be allowed to use it in any transaction in the library otherwise disciplinary action will be given to the user and to the owner who allowed it to use.

*Tampered School ID/Library Card will not be honored in the library. A new replacement shall be secured first before one will be allowed to borrow any library materials.


* Two books may be borrowed at one time for a period of three days. Fines: Php10.00 per day including Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays and non-office hours.


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